Monday, May 29, 2006

Fathers' Rights media propaganda

Demand that the Orlando Sentinel and Detroit News cease running Kathleen Parker's columns.

Orlando Sentinel Columnist editor Mike Murphy

direct ph # 407/420-5168

Murphy's Supervising editor - Manney Pynn 407/420-5715

To the Editors:

Please ban Kathleen Parker from publishing any more articles on custody litigation and fathers issues, unless she prints an apology and retraction of her recent article which included mention of Maine Governor Baldacci and Parental Alienation.

We have talked at length with Governor Baldacci's office and he was very unhappy to learn of Parker's reference to Governor Baldacci in this article:
K. Parker "Let's not alienate parents in custody... " 5/13/06/ Detroit News

The Governor's office was not aware, when a low level staff person had a recent telephone discussion with a fathers’ rights representative, that they would be endorsing Parental Alienation. The staff person was not authorized and probably did not confirm the Governor's endorsement of Parental Alienation or a special Parental Alienation Awareness day. Upon learning more about the fathers’ groups who promote Parental Alienation and Richard Gardner, they definitely do not endorse it. [Interesting to note that Baldacci's website does not have a link to the to the 4/25/06 Parental Alienation Proclamation.]

We have followed Parker's writing on the subject of the fathers’rights/custody movement for many years and find her writings to be very irresponsible, malicious and sometimes dishonest. She does not separate 'fact' from her own personal subjective opinions about the virtuousness of men, and does not check the "facts" she does use in her opinion writings.

Parker doesn't appear to be cognizant of the fact she is writing about the legal outcomes other people's court cases, when insisting that those outcomes have not been fair to the same group of people [i.e., the father's groups] which she does not disclose to her general readership that she has been closely associated with.

She continually infers that legal adversaries of her patrons have won these court cases by perjury and deceit, in addition to being malicious parents.

We are the people Parker has been slandering for years. Yet, she will not communicate with us, or cite any specific cases or court orders to support the claims she makes, or verify facts by checking the court orders. Instead, she relies solely on the word of the fathers she has been patronizing for years - and who most people in protective parent custody circles know to be a "gang" of violent sociopathic liars who have been kicked out of many Congressional offices and state legislative hearings because of their crude and threatening conduct.

The Baldacci incident is one of many such dishonest involvements on their part.

We know who these men are - they are our ex-husbands - and many of them are seriously disturbed and violent men who are organized for the sole purpose of getting revenge against the mothers of their children so they don't have pay child support. Some have even killed their own children and the mother, out of sheer vengeance, per many news reports. Parker seems oblivious to these disturbing facts and continues to represent their community as totally innocent victims of malicious mothers who lie in court to get sole custody.

Parker and her editor have the mistaken notion that her writings are 'opinions' subject to different interpretations. However, this is not just an opinion in which a party in a domestic litigation was awarded custody or ordered to pay child support. Court orders are legal facts.

Parker has been in error on this point and similar points she has been making in her columns. She wrongfully reports that the fathers as a "class" have been unjustifiable losers in custody litigation - without defining the class or citing the relevant court orders as evidence.

We know the truth, because we are the parties in that litigation and not Kathleen Parker. These are OUR court cases and not hers.

The truth is that the fathers are winning most of the issues and motions and mothers are the ones victimized by loss of all custody rights, loss of most or all contact with their children, loss of income because of unreasonable court ordered child support obligations and most importantly – we are the victims of parental alienation misconduct that the fathers complain about. It is the fathers Parker patronizes who are the parental alienators - not the mothers - because most of the litigating mothers have little contact with their children, even ones with joint custody.

The fathers have been feeding Parker a bunch of lies for years to which she has printed lock, stock, and barrel without any verification attempts.

They don't tell her (and she has shown no interest in learning)that they are in control of specialized federal HHS program funds which are used to pay their custody attorneys. They are in the business of generating domestic dispute litigation for the benefit of crooked attorneys and court evaluators. The fathers need to create a climate of fear among the prospective litigating-father community in order to pull in more business for their litigation scam. Parker's collaboration with their disinformation campaign is tantamount to collaboration in an illegal litigation solicitation scheme.

The funds being used for fathers’ cases are not authorized for these purposes, which is why several Congressional committees are reviewing the matter, in addition to high level HHS legal officials.

Parker is so self-righteous about her crusade to advance the rights of fathers, that she obviously failed or didn’t care enough to check out Richard Gardner's Parental Alienation Syndrome(PAS)- which she also mentioned in this recent column.

She apparently has never done a Google search on Richard Gardner, or she would have learned he is an incest advocate with many published statements which blatantly endorse father-child incest as a positive experience, with severe punishment for mothers who interfere. Parental Alienation is nothing more than a semi-dignified way to normalize father-child incest by preventing mothers from complaining by keeping them away from the affected children.

This is why every professional organizations involved in family and child litigation has condemned Gardner and PAS – including:

National Center for the Prosecution of Child Abuse

NCPCA Update Newsletter Volume 16, Number 6, 2003

NCPCA Update Newsletter Volume 16, Number 7, 2003

The NCPCA has published a double edition report saying it should not be used in court because it is harmful to children.

Yet Parker talks about Gardner and PAS in her recent column as if it were a great advance in social research whose time as come.

Parker must inform her readers that PAS is not acceptable and is harmful to children and that the fathers' rights men she patronizes are not custody court victims.

Liz Richards

Thursday, May 11, 2006

NSA spying on us & Cheney reviving cold war

Did anyone else see Cheney on the news tarring Russia for human rights' abuses? What an idiot. Who would fall for this stuff? Certainly not Putin who compared him to "Comrade Wolf."

Now, today we learn that Comrade Wolf et al. are spying on all of us. Whoa! Wonder what this will do to the Bushies' approval ratings? Or will the wingnuts keep supporting him? I've already read it on blogs..."I don't have anything to hide/ I'm a patriot, so go ahead and tap my phones!"

Meanwhile, an ex-Homeland Security aide is freed on bail and Hillary Clinton thinks Bush is charming and has charisma!

Feds Create Massive Database of Phone Calls
Companies Turn Over Domestic Records to National Security Agency
By Leslie Cauley, USA TODAY
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"The National Security Agency has been secretly collecting the phone call records of tens of millions of Americans, using data provided by AT&T, Verizon and BellSouth, people with direct knowledge of the arrangement told USA TODAY.
"The NSA program reaches into homes and businesses across the nation by amassing information about the calls of ordinary Americans — most of whom aren't suspected of any crime. This program does not involve the NSA listening to or recording conversations. But the spy agency is using the data to analyze calling patterns in an effort to detect terrorist activity, sources said in separate interviews.
"It's the largest database ever assembled in the world," said one person, who, like the others who agreed to talk about the NSA's activities, declined to be identified by name or affiliation. The agency's goal is "to create a database of every call ever made" within the nation's borders, this person added.
"For the customers of these companies, it means that the government has detailed records of calls they made — across town or across the country — to family members, co-workers, business contacts and others.
"Among the big telecommunications companies, only Qwest has refused to help the NSA, the sources said. According to multiple sources, Qwest declined to participate because it was uneasy about the legal implications of handing over customer information to the government without warrants.
"Qwest's refusal to participate has left the NSA with a hole in its database. Based in Denver, Qwest provides local phone service to 14 million customers in 14 states in the West and Northwest. But AT&T and Verizon also provide some services — primarily long-distance and wireless — to people who live in Qwest's region. Therefore, they can provide the NSA with at least some access in that area.

"The sources said the NSA made clear that it was willing to pay for the cooperation. AT&T, which at the time was headed by C. Michael Armstrong, agreed to help the NSA. So did BellSouth, headed by F. Duane Ackerman; SBC, headed by Ed Whitacre; and Verizon, headed by Ivan Seidenberg.


"Trying to put pressure on Qwest, NSA representatives pointedly told Qwest that it was the lone holdout among the big telecommunications companies. It also tried appealing to Qwest's patriotic side: In one meeting, an NSA representative suggested that Qwest's refusal to contribute to the database could compromise national security, one person recalled.

"In addition, the agency suggested that Qwest's foot-dragging might affect its ability to get future classified work with the government. Like other big telecommunications companies, Qwest already had classified contracts and hoped to get more.

"Unable to get comfortable with what NSA was proposing, Qwest's lawyers asked NSA to take its proposal to the FISA court. According to the sources, the agency refused.

Robert Scheer: Hayden: The Spook in Your Phone
Michael V. Hayden, nominated by President Bush to head the CIA, is the man responsible for the most extensive attack ever on the privacy of U.S. citizens. As USA Today reveals, it was during the six years that Hayden ran the ultra-secret National Security Agency that the Feds gained access to the phone calling records of most Americans.
By cross-checking those phone record against other readily available databases, the Feds are now in a position to profile the intimate daily lives of the citizenry--providing a tool that no Big Brother could ever have dreamed of obtaining before the advent of modern telecommunications technology. Yet this assault on our freedom was never disclosed to the public, debated by our elected representatives or tested by the courts.
Most disturbing is the revelation by USA Today that leading members of Congress-- Democrats as well as Republicans--had been told of this ghastly assault on our freedom but did nothing to thwart it. They must now be held accountable. So too General Hayden, who obviously should not be trusted with running the CIA spy agency after having engineered such massive spying on the American public. As my Wednesday column, reproduced bellow indicates, there were already sufficient reasons to reject this nominee, but the latest charge dwarfs previous concerns.

Posted to the web on: 11 May 2006
Putin warns on ‘fortress America‘
Richard Balmforth

"MOSCOW — President Vladimir Putin appealed to nationalist sentiment in his annual Kremlin address yesterday, saying Russia faced growing military competition with “fortress America”, and offered financial incentives to boost Russia’s falling birthrate.
"In his seventh annual keynote address to the nation, Putin said Russia would develop a stronger army and that the US cared more about its own interests than for democracy or human rights.
"Russia, which has amassed almost $300bn in savings in the past eight years, was rearming its military to meet growing global threats as defence spending by former Cold War foes soared, Putin said.

"US-Russian relations hit their coldest moment last week when US Vice-President Dick Cheney, speaking in Vilnius, Lithuania, accused Moscow of backsliding on democracy and using its vast energy resources as a tool for “intimidation and blackmail” against its neighbours.
"Putin went on to take a swipe at US foreign policy and Washington’s criticism of Russia’s human rights record. He said Washington’s commitment to human rights was secondary to US national interests.
“We see what’s happening in the world. As the saying goes, comrade wolf knows who to eat and he eats without listening to others,” he said.
"US President George Bush, due to meet Putin in St Petersburg in July at a Group of Eight summit, stepped in to the fray, telling a German newspaper recently that Russia was sending mixed signals on democracy.
"Turning to Iran, Putin sidestepped open criticism and issued a veiled warning to Washington not to take military action against Iran over its nuclear ambitions.
Ex-Homeland Security aide freed on bail
Official to return to Maryland after hearing on child sex charges
Thursday, May 4, 2006; Posted: 4:18 p.m. EDT (20:18 GMT)
Defense attorney Barry Helfand said Doyle will return to his home in Maryland to be examined by two psychiatrists who specialize in sexual dysfunctions.
Helfand said Doyle remains "very depressed" since his April 4 arrest at his Silver Spring, Maryland, home as he allegedly communicated with a Polk County detective posing on the Internet as a 14-year-old girl. (Full story)
The detective, Sandy Scherer, testified during Thursday's hearing that authorities moved quickly on arresting Doyle because of his position and high security clearance. She also said that Doyle indicated he had spoken to other

Hillary Clinton Says Bush Has Charm and Charisma

"He is someone who has a lot of charm and charisma, and I think in the immediate aftermath of 9/11, I was very grateful to him for his support for New York," Clinton said Tuesday night during a talk at the National Archives about her life in politics.
"Clinton, a potential presidential candidate in 2008, said that despite their "many disagreements about many, many issues," she has always had a good personal relationship with the president."