Saturday, October 28, 2006

Gender Bias: Women Lawyers Like the Rest of Us

Just went through this at my last job. Damn those qualifiers...
"Women attorneys are criticized for being too little of this or too much of that; not confident enough or too confident; not aggressive enough or too aggressive; not ambitious enough or too ambitious. But women are seldom just right," said Ms. Luce, who also chairs the "Hidden Brain Drain," a task force that helps employers retain women.
When a woman seems uncertain, speaking softly or using qualifiers, her behavior may reinforce the belief that she is not sufficiently assertive or confident. Supervisors may even begin to question her competence, interpreting a hesitant style as questionable ability.

"My friend was told during her review [at a New York City firm] that her work was excellent but her speaking style made her sound 'unintelligent,'" said an attorney who has worked at two national firms. She explained that her friend frequently uses qualifiers and couches her statements as questions.

Killer Women's Beauty Trends

From The Guardian, just in time for Halloween, literally a scary look at torturous trends in women's fashion throughout history.

Looks pretty svelte eh?

Here's what it does to a woman's body. Gasp!

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Only Way to the Truth---Torture Hastert

Just loved this novel idea put forth by Tom D'Antoni on The Huffington Post writing on the Foley ped investigation.

There's only one way to get this information. Send Foley, Hastert, Boehner, and the rest of them to Guantanamo and torture the information out of them....Habeas Corpus? Pfaff! If President Bush can waive it for Muslims, he can waive it for those who prey on our children, right?