Sunday, December 31, 2006

Not Everybody Loves Patricia

The New York Times ran a story today about poor Patricia Heaton, the honorary co-chairwoman, for Feminists for Life.
Seems Patty got herself embroiled in mess over an anti-stem cell video she did against Missouri's Amendment 2.

But the video, which also included St. Louis sports figures, turned into a Mel Gibson-size nightmare when it got onto the Internet and, without her knowledge, was then shown as an advertisement on television during Game 4 of the World Series. It didn’t help that it looked so cheesy or that it began, inexplicably, with the actor Jim Caviezel (who had played Jesus in Mr. Gibson’s “Passion of the Christ”) staring weirdly at the camera and speaking in Aramaic.

“Oh my God, it was a disaster,” Ms. Heaton acknowledged. “And then there was the whole Michael J. Fox aspect.”

Also unbeknownst to Ms. Heaton, Mr. Fox, his Parkinsonian tremors clearly visible, had just appeared in an ad supporting the amendment. Because of the timing, her comments looked like a response to his and became associated with Rush Limbaugh’s suggestion that Mr. Fox was faking his symptoms for sympathy.

Ms. Heaton was appalled, she said. “Not only was the ad so bad, but why was it put on? It took the focus off of what we’re talking about, which is very serious, and made it look like a feud or something, a Hollywood tabloid subject, a media thing of pitting people against each other.”

The Internet floodgates opened. Web sites weighed in on “Fox v. Heaton” and generally eviscerated her. On, April Winchell, a California radio personality, posted a 38-second remix of Ms. Heaton’s clip. It starts out saying, “I’m Patricia Heaton, and I’m a religious zealot who thinks she knows what’s best for everybody” and gets uglier from there: “I could give you the whole story, but I’d rather beat you over the head with my Bible. And besides it’s not like stem-cell research makes you look younger. I mean, if it did, I’d be all over it.”

For more on FLM see Pandagon's Archive for the 'Feminists For Life' Category.

Why Patty is involved with a group that aligns itself with the National Fatherhood Initiative, an aggressive anti-motherhood group, I can't even imagine. But here's the video. Enjoy...

Saturday, December 30, 2006

Suitably Flip's "Liberal Yearbook 2006"

Even though Suitably Flip is a rw geek, I just love his "Liberal Yearbook 2006" especially that pic of a genetically altered Hillary/Obama "Hillorama"

Most of SF's Researchroll is suitably annoying, but given his Phillips Academy background, what else should one expect from a fat cat from Andover [not Exeter]?
American Enterprise Institute
Brookings Institution
Cato Institute
Center for Immigration Studies
Center for Responsive Politics
Center of the American Experiment
Club For Growth
Competitive Enterprise Institute
Heritage Foundation
Manhattan Institute
UVA Center for Politics

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Edwards on Hardball with Elizabeth

Yay! John Edwards is running for president in '08!

On this YouTube clip of Hardball he says he restrained himself while running as VP. Can't wait to see him in action in the coming months. It's going to be a lot of fun if this video is any indication.

After Matthews brings up the subect on John Kerry's failed joke, Elizabeth says that most politicians aren't funny, not even her husband, and after hearing him practicing a joke she wouldn't even attend the event because he was so not funny.

Chris Matthews: "I love it! Behind every great man is a woman trying to kill him.
Does she do this? Does she bite your balls like this when you come home?"

Elizabeth: "My children are watching!"

Matthews: "What's this with the equal marriages? Why do people marry their equals. It used to be different. What happened to the Stepford Wives. The good old days?"

Audience: Big boos & hisses.

Matthews: "Oh how PC. The freakin'hiss."

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Anti-GAL/PAS Petition

With so many guardians ad litem (GAL) switching to other generic so-called alienation syndromes after Richard Gardner found himself in disrepute and stabbed himself to death, Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS) is still being used as a sick excuse to switch custody from perfectly fit, protective, primary caretakers (usually mothers) in Illinois and elsewhere.

Here's an example of a PAS order in DeKalb County, GA.

Outraged yet? Then please do sign the petition.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Fairfax Town Council passes anti-PAS Resolution

THIS is going to spread. No doubt about it. Red State Feminist has it on her blog and undoubtedly others will join in. Enough already with faux syndromes designed to protect pederasts. Richard Gardner is gone and PAS will pass with him.



WHEREAS The Town Council of Fairfax CA is greatly concerned about the existence of domestic violence and child abuse in our society and community; and

WHEREAS legislators at all levels of government must do whatever possible to ensure that perpetrators of domestic violence and child abuse are prosecuted and punished for their crimes, and that abuse cases are adjudicated properly; and

WHEREAS legislators at all levels of government must review existing law to ensure that obstacles to the prosecution and punishment of those who commit domestic violence and child abuse are removed; and

WHEREAS such obstacles to the prosecution and punishment of those who commit domestic violence and child abuse have been identified in the California Family Code in Sections 1800-1852, The California Family Conciliation Court Law (See exhibit A), as follows:

1) The California Family Conciliation Court Law (hereafter referred to as the CFCCL) was enacted in 1930, in an era in which corporal punishment of wives and children was generally accepted by society.

2) Section 1812 of the CFCCL allows the Conciliation Court Judge to move any case to the Conciliation Court.

3) Section 1819 of the CFCCL allows for the destruction of records in Conciliation Court proceedings, at the discretion of the Conciliation Court, in cases involving child custody and visitation.

4) Section 1830 of the CFCCL empowers the Conciliation Court to take jurisdiction over all controversies that come before it in divorce, separation, child custody and visitation cases, even those involving domestic abuse.

5) Section 1830 (b) mandates that all divorce, separation, child custody and visitation cases involving domestic abuse be moved to the Family Conciliation Court.

6) Sections 1850-1852 allow for the use of government funding to handle domestic abuse cases as custody disputes, in violation of federal statute. And;

WHEREAS the above identified sections of the CFCCL have the effect of moving criminal domestic violence and child abuse cases out of criminal court venues in which they can be prosecuted and into civil/family court venues in which prosecution of perpetrators cannot take place, and where documented evidence may be altered or destroyed; and

WHEREAS the practice of moving domestic violence and child abuse cases out of criminal venues and into Family Conciliation Court has resulted in the formulation of nefarious legal strategies which deflect attention away from the behavior of batterers and sexual abusers, and shift blame to parents reporting abuse so as to do harm to abused parents and children; and

WHEREAS such strategies include the use of Parental Alienation Syndrome, which was
originally constructed as a legal defense of child molesters and to shield abusive fathers from prosecution, and has hence been used across the nation to justify granting abusive parents improper custodial rights, to remove children from the protective care of safe parents, to deny due process and parenting rights, and to otherwise punish parents, especially mothers, who complain about the abuse; and

WHEREAS the National Organization for Women has denounced the use of the Parental Alienation Syndrome strategy as unethical, unconstitutional and dangerous; and

WHEREAS the problem of the use of Parental Alienation Syndrome was noteworthy enough to be addressed in the original drafts of the federal Violence Against Women Act II of 2002 (hereafter referred to as VAWA II), specifically in Title ll, Section 201 Findings: Limiting the Effects of Violence on Children (17-20), (See exhibit B), which noted that the American Psychological Association has found no empirical data to support the so-called phenomenon of Parental Alienation Syndrome, that some courts and custody evaluators frequently use such terms to discount the reasonable fear and anger of children toward a violent parent, and that this ‘syndrome’ and similar ones are used almost exclusively against women; and

WHEREAS the above reference to Parental Alienation Syndrome was inexplicably removed from VAWA II.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the Town Council of Fairfax California, speaking for itself as a body and for those residents of Fairfax who agree, that the California Legislature be urged to address the above referenced defects in the CFCCL to ensure that domestic violence and child abuse cases are prosecuted and that records that might serve as evidence in the prosecution of such cases cannot be destroyed; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Town Council of Fairfax CA calls upon the United States Congress to reinsert Section 201 Findings 17-20 of the November 3, 2000 draft of VAWA II; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Town Council of Fairfax California, in making these requests of the California Legislature and the U.S. Congress, in no way intends to interfere with the enforcement of Family Code 3027.1, which provides that if a court determines that an accusation of child abuse or neglect made during a child custody proceeding is false, and the person making the accusation knew it to be false at the time the accusation was made, the court may impose reasonable money sanctions. However, the intent does extend to the proper enforcement of Family Code 3027.5, so that no parent shall be placed on supervised visitation, or be denied custody of or visitation with his or her child, and no custody or visitation rights shall be limited, solely because the parent lawfully reported suspected sexual abuse of the child, otherwise acted lawfully, based on a reasonable belief, to determine if his or her child was the victim of sexual abuse, or sought treatment for the child from a licensed mental health professional for suspected sexual abuse; and

BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that the Town Council of Fairfax California joins the National Organization for Women in denouncing the use of the Parental Alienation Syndrome legal strategy.

Monday, December 04, 2006

DFACS keeps stabbing/rape victim's daughter and won't give her back

A young Ball Ground mother was raped by a meth crazed man, Gerald A. Lee, and fought back with a kitchen knife after he threatened to rape her 7-year-old daughter and killed him. Now Cherokee County DFACS are deliberating as to whether she can have her daughter back! Their alleged excuse: She made some bad choices in the past.

DFACS has made some sick choices in the past and bad publicity hasn't seemed to hamper them from stealing
yet again. There's an upcoming hearing on custody this week where a panel of DFACS officials will decide on who gets this mom's daughter. She's being represented by DFACS' contract attorneys. Anyone feeling queasy?

What's so perplexing about the rape is that the cops could have/should have arrested Gerald A. Lee the night before. Atlanta area cops make it a priorty to shoot down a 92-year-old woman in a no-knock drug raid when it is obvious that she was NOT involved in illegal drug distribution. Georgia authorities routinely punish innocent women and let 'teh' dude offenders off the hook. Enough already!

"It was one of a series of episodes that shed light on some of Lee's last hours before he grabbed a shotgun and broke into a house in the woods of Cherokee County.

"The woman he raped and seriously injured was recovering Thursday in a hospital in Atlanta.

"This guy was kind of active prior to this incident," Capt. Ron Hunton of the Cherokee County Sheriff's Office said Thursday. "He certainly acted strange."

"Investigators got their first hint of trouble with Lee after Albertson told a Cobb County police officer that Lee kicked her outside a Waffle House about 12:30 a.m. Sunday.

"They asked me if I wanted to press charges. And I said 'Hell yeah, I want to press charges," the 21-year-old said. "I didn't want someone else getting hurt."

"By the time a patrol car arrived, Lee was gone. An officer took Albertson's statement and told her she could later ask a magistrate to issue an arrest warrant.

"Albertson disputes that, but police say it's standard procedure except in cases of domestic violence, felonies or incidents where an officer can talk with both parties involved and determine if a crime has been committed.

"In those cases, officers can obtain a warrant on their own.

"About an hour after Albertson says Lee kicked her, Officer S.S. Ladner of the Canton Police Department spotted Lee at another Waffle House, on Marietta Highway.

"Lee was bloody and incoherent and said he had been in a bar fight, according to police reports.

Ladner handcuffed Lee after learning about the assault on Albertson but let him go because Cobb police had no charges against him."