DNC RESPONSE TO CARVILLE:Now why would he do this? Seems to me that Howard Dean has done a smash up job raising money for the DNC. Wait, wait, I forgot Carville is Zell Miller's lap dog.
Howard Dean spokeswoman Karen Finney emails the following in response to James Carville's comments below:
After the Republicans have admitted to a thumping, why is it that the only one complaining on the Democratic side is James Carville, who today in addition to trashing Howard Dean, praised the RNC, the outfit that brought us the racist ad that defeated Harold Ford, James' supposed candidate for Chair? ...
Just loved this post on dailykos.com.
Thanks decon
Three strikes (14+ / 0-)Bye bye.
Strike One: Elected Zell Miller
Strike Two: Married a Republican operative
Strike Three: Dissed Howard Dean.
Carville & Paul Begala were/are Zell's political advisers. Thanks for reminding us blogfordemocracy!
"The reporter questioning miller said that Miller had slammed Johnson for supporting civil rights, accusing him of "selling his Southern heritage for a mess of dark pottage."
"when the Atlanta Constitution had printed that so-called quote he'd marched down to the paper's offices and demanded and received a correction. He'd never say a thing like that.
"The next day that great moment became one of our greatest nightmares. Al May, the veteran political reporter for the Atlanta Constitution, interviewed Miller as Paul [Begala] drove them and Shirley Miller to an event in rural Georgia. May made small talk for a little while. Then he sprang the trap. "Zell," he said, "I've talked to all the editors who were around back then, checked the morgue and the archives, and you never asked for a retraction and the paper never printed one."
"I know," Miller said, biting the words off the words like they were bitter herbs.
"So why'd you say all that in the debate last night?"
"Miller leaned in close to May and said, "Because, Al, I was trying to mislead the people of Georgia."
So Carville claims the GOP drugged Zell

When Imus noted that the Georgia Democrat sounded "fine" when he interviewed him the next morning," Carville shot back: "They probably shot him up with something, you know. He just likes screaming at people."
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