Saturday, April 28, 2007

Alec Baldwin's Psychobabble

Transcribed part of Alec Baldwin's excuses from The View video:

"I had never done this before in my life." [emphasis added]

From NY NOW:

"Recent reports have stated that Alec Baldwin has long been known for his hot temper. Reportedly, he has choked a pedestrian, screamed at a police officer, and thrown temper tantrums on sets which have incited his co-stars to quit their positions. Now added to his list is an angry voice message, in which he called his daughter “a rude, thoughtless little pig.” Clearly,the common thread in all of these incidents is Baldwin and his irrational anger, not a made-up “syndrome.”
In Alec Baldwin's own words:

'[I]s how much the people in the tabloid media are themselves
people who are abused and are people who live with shameful secrets and they make it their career to humiliate you and expose your secrets. Like the guy who is responsible for this tape coming out -- we don't need to say his name. [TMZ's Harvey Levin*] It doesn't really matter -- I called some of my friends of mine in LA and I said what's his story and they told me his story: what he's all about, where he's coming from, what are his secrets you know what I mean and you find out that everybody [emphasis added] who works in tabloid media are people who are filled with self hatred and shame and the way that they manage they manage those feelings is that they destroy the lives of other people and reveal your secrets. And I thought to myself you know it's like I couldn't get over -- you know -- how they beat you all day long."

According news reports, Baldwin's daughter leaked the tape to Levin and has been talking with him ever since. Now, Baldwin is suing TMZ. What an idiot!

I used to love watching Rosie O'Donnell, but those days are over. She sees NOTHING wrong with yelling at her own kids and even has empathy for Baldwin yelling, cussing out and calling his daughter "a thoughtless little pig." You can see kneeslappin' The View interview here:

Alec Baldwin is now blaming his outburst directed at his daughter as a result of Parental Alienation (PA) formerly Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS). It's all HER fault, your honor, she parental alienated me. And now he's planning on quitting acting to educate the public on parental alienation and help other abusive fathers. Whaaaa 'teh' *&#^? Giving up his acting career? Yeah, right.

Here's what Alec's about to step into:

PAS is a legal strategy devised by the late Dr. Richard Gardner [a pedophile apologist who stabbed himself to death] to protect abusers from criminal and civil litigation. Now, the fathers' rights attorneys have renamed PA to distance their the legal strategy from Gardner. Dr. Paul Fink, Chairman of the American Psychiatric Association's Task For on Psychiatric Aspects of Violence has a website at the Leadership Council debunking PAS.

And for a change here's an intelligent response from an African American mom, who unlike Rosie O'Donnell, does get it!

I loved this short video from the Assaulted Women's Helpline PSA
Her name is stupid bitch. If you heard it everyday, you'ld believe it too.

Douglas Bower over at Ezine @articles almost gets it too. He thinks that Baldwin is blaming his daughter for parental alienation. PA doesn't work that way. The fault finding blames the custodial parent, in this case Kim Basinger, for poisoning the mind of their daughter thereby parental alienation him. Otherwise Bowers does a great job pointing out Baldwin's lack of critical thinking skills and not accepting responsibility for child abuse.

One bright spot in this sordid scene is that Baldwin's vow to carry the torch for PA will open the debate to the public, most of whom do have critical thinking skills and my guess is that those who do will see it for what it is and the MSM will have to pull it out of the rock where they've mostly hidden for the past 20 years.

Hello Stop Family Violence Activists
ABC's The View and 20/20 will be giving Alec Baldwin a platform to excuse his abuse and to perpetuate the discredited theory of Parental Alienation that gives custody to abusers and places women and children at risk of harm.
Go to
to learn more and to send an urgent message to ABC before the View airs on Friday morning!!
Thanks for your quick action on this.
Together, we can..
Irene Wesier

Blaming the Victim-Alec Baldwin Cries Foul by Claiming He is a Victim of Parental Alienation (PA)Press Release
April 27, 2007
Statement by Marcia A. Pappas, President
Contact #518-452-3944
Blaming the Victim
Alec Baldwin Cries Foul by Claiming He is a Victim of Parental Alienation (PA)
April 27, 2007 – Today the National Organization for Women – New York State, Inc. denounces Alec Baldwin for his most recent outburst, most especially for his claims of “parental alienation” as the reason for the strained relationship between himself and his 11-year-old daughter, Ireland. The custody battle between Baldwin and his ex-wife, Kim Basinger, has lasted for several years, but Alec Baldwin is arguing that so-called “parental alienation” is the excuse for his frequent flare-ups. Formerly labeled Parental Alienation Syndrome, (PAS), Parental Alienation (PA) is now the favorite excuse by so-called father’s rights groups to further abuse protective mothers. NOW denounced this syndrome at it 2006 conference.
Recent reports have stated that Alec Baldwin has long been known for his hot temper. Reportedly, he has choked a pedestrian, screamed at a police officer, and thrown temper tantrums on sets which have incited his co-stars to quit their positions. Now added to his list is an angry voice message, in which he called his daughter “a rude, thoughtless little pig.” Clearly, the common thread in all of these incidents is Baldwin and his irrational anger, not a made-up “syndrome.”
“Parental alienation” is junk science. In order to excuse their outbursts, many of which have been directed at children, controlling husbands/fathers cling to a phenomenon which blames mothers, in foul attempts to identify and excuse their behavior. According to Dr. Paul J. Fink, Past President of the American Psychological Association, “PA as a scientific theory has been excoriated by legitimate researchers across the nation.” Further, according to an APA Task Force Report, “Terms such as ‘parental alienation’ may be used to blame women for children’s reasonable fear of or anger toward their violent father.”
Reporting on Basinger’s claims, in an article entitled “According to Baldwin-Basinger: Look back in anger” By Gina Piccalo and Robert W. Welkos, LA Times, April 27, 2007, “She alleges that there were several "rage episodes" in Ireland's presence. She said he once assaulted a taxi driver while Ireland was in the cab. He is alleged to have called the girl at school one day as she was about to take a test and yelled at her so loudly that "some of Ireland's other classmates heard him," leaving her "embarrassed and very upset." During another alleged "episode" last spring, Ireland sought refuge in her room at Baldwin's apartment, crying and sobbing.”
The National Organization for Women-New York State, is shocked that The View, Bill O’Reilly and other media outlets are giving Baldwin a forum to spew his lies regarding so-called “parental alienation.” It has been well documented that the claim of “parental alienation is a legal tactic used almost exclusively against women after they muster up enough courage to leave the men that batter them and abuse their children. It seems as though it doesn’t matter that Alec Baldwin has become the poster child for abusive men; even when his behavior is well documented and speaks for itself. He is indeed charming, as need be to pull off this behavior. By giving him sympathy and a soapbox, rather than holding him accountable for his actions, The View, Bill O’Reilly and other media outlets are giving him the green light for his unacceptable behavior.
Currently, Baldwin has signed on to write a book about “parental alienation” in the name of father’s rights. In doing so, he will be protecting abusive men and their behavior, and attempting to manipulate the judicial system of the United States. Manipulation of the facts is common behavior by abusers. This is reminiscent of Charles Rothenberg, who set his son on fire in February of 2005 in order to punish his wife and then cried, in essence, "she made me do it."
The National Organization for Women – New York State, Inc. strongly condemns Baldwin’s behavior and resulting claims of “parental alienation”, while also sympathizing with thousands of protective mothers and their children who are continually hurt by claims of this junk science.


Anonymous said...

Did you know that Parental Alienation is a form of Child Abuse? Many people may be aware that April is National Child Abuse Awareness Month but they are probably not aware that April 25 was Parental Alienation Awareness Day.

A lot of people — including counselors and so called “child advocates” — may not even be aware of the term “Parental Alienation.” It happens often to children of divorce.

Parental alienation occurs when one parent bad-mouths the other parent. Children know they are part-Mom and part-Dad and when one parent is degraded, the child will feel part of them is being put down as well.

Children are so susceptible to what they hear. What child doesn’t believe in Santa Claus or the Easter Bunny? So when a child hears that “Daddy doesn’t love you” or “Mommy is stupid,” feelings are internalized.

Parental alienation can be more subtle as well. When Divorced Dad tries to call his child on the phone — and the conversation is interrupted by Mom’s demand to “Clean your room” or “Do your homework,” the child learns to associate good feelings with Dad with unpleasant tasks or household chores.

The state Attorney General will often go after the 'Deadbeat Dad' who can’t pay child support — even if he has been downsized due to corporate greed. But the AG will do nothing if 'Malicious Mother' breaks the same divorce decree and doesn’t allow the child to see his dad.

According to the website www.parental-alienation-, the aim of Parental Alienation Awareness Day is to make judges, police officers, psychiatrists, lawyers, as well as friends and family of the people abusing their children by alienation tactics, to become aware of this growing problem and form of abuse.

With awareness comes education and understanding, and the power to stop the abuse of innocent children caught in the crossfire of people they love.

Anonymous said...

My ex-wife's father was never accused of abuse. But her mother took her and her brother to another country, prevented him from seeing them or speaking to them, destroyed letter he sent to them...but of course managed to cash the child support checks... and told countless lies about their father to them for years. My ex-wife finally searched for and found her father at her age of 24. To this day her brother refuses to meet his father and believes all of the lies he was told about his father by his mother and grandparents. If this isn't PAS, what is it?

Anonymous said...

Let me go on to say I in no way condone what Alec Baldwin did. That was also child abuse.

Anonymous said...

I have seen this happen in my own family.My brother was born in 1982,my father met my mother in 1983.He is a manipulator and basically kept my brother from ever developing any relationship with his biologial father who truly loved his son.I think my dad threatened to hurt my brother's father if he ever came around again.I guess the man didn't want to make a bad thing worse so he mostly stayed away.To make matters worse this happend at my grandmother's home(my mother's mom).My father was pretty much just some guy from out of town who thought he could run my family.Needless to say my uncles had a real problem with this guy and did not and still don't like my father.My father raised my brother but was a mean prick. He would take his belt and whip my brother for crying.He also did this to me when I was a kid,I am younger than my brother.My father should have never been allowed to have children.He never hit my mother I guess that is why they are still together.Anyways I hate my father a lot.My brother believed these lies and still wants nothing to do with his real father.